Thursday, November 6, 2008


it's 4.30am and i still cannot get to sleep...
gosh! i've been having insomnia these days and it's freaky!
i wonder if it's the daily caffeine intake or?

Jesus! i need to sleeeeeeep!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

another random post.

hello hospiers!!!

this is just a random note.

its been almost 2 years since i was asked to join the amplify hospitality team, and its an understatement to say i've changed in that 2 years (or less).

i've discovered so much more about myself, my potential, my capabilities.

and its really edifying to see the ministry grow so much. from so little to so much.
from just people standing at the door and stairs, to a freakin cafe now! i dont know bout you, but that amazes me.

whats more amazing is people who i see coming back to amp week after week just because someone said hi and had a casual convo with them the first time they came.

the amplify hospitality team's objective, put quite simply: to make people feel home.

and thats exactly how i felt.

and now, as i step out of hospi and into events, i pray that all you new (and old) members will continue to be just a bunch of homely and totally lovable people. because thats what hospi means to me.
and i pray it will mean as much to you as it did to me in the end. wait a minute, there is no end. only moving on.

i love you all. you guys shaped me to be the way i am now.


p.s.: if you read this, tell the hospi bout it alright? i didnt post for no one to read. haha (: